My Blog Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:01:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230654150 The growing importance of security in messaging and email service Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:00:48 +0000 Read More


The amount of data which is stored by businesses as well as individuals online has increased significantly in the past few years. This has also been accompanied by an equally large amount of increase in the number of hacking attempts online. Due to this very reason, it is important to look into the security of email accounts as well.

Personal email accounts

Most of the people link their personal email accounts with their bank accounts as well as various government-related schemes as well. Thus, if there is any hacking attempt on their personal email account, there is always a risk of theft or personal data. In such a case, they can suffer from identity fraud as well. They can lose a significant amount of money as most of the bank accounts are linked to their email. As the amount of information which is present in the email account increases, the amount of security which is needed in order to protect them would also increase. Also, it is the responsibility of the individual himself/herself to ensure that they are not disclosing the email ID publicly or to any interested source.

Professional email accounts

Professional email accounts are at a higher risk when it comes to hacking. This is due to the fact that most of the hackers are already aware that professional email accounts would have a significant amount of business information. That is why many hackers actually concentrate on taking the professional business accounts. Many times, the hacking attacks are conducted by a computeras well. That is why companies need to be always on their toes in order to close the low points and conduct penetration testing on a regular basis to make sure that the email accounts on their domains are completely safe and secure.

In case, any of the email accounts are hacked, the individual, as well as the company, is at a greater risk as they would lose private and confidential data. Moreover, the data which is retrieved through a hacked email account can be used to blackmail the individual or a company. This opens up the company to not only great personal damage but also to liabilities as well if client or 3rd party information is leaked from the hacked email account.

So, keeping the threats in mind, it is important to focus more on the security of the email accounts as well as the messaging services which we use.

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Digital Marketing Trends 2018 Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:57:43 +0000 Read More


Digital marketing is changing at a rapid pace. These days, you have to constantly upgrade your digital marketing strategy in order to get newer and newer customers. Once you are able to do that, thereafter only you would be able to consistently expand your business. We would today share with you some of the digital marketing trends which are sure to gain more and more importance in 2018.

1. Content marketing:

Up until now, content marketing was just limited to blog posts as well as infographics. In the year 2018, content marketing would assume more importance. It would expand to other forms of content as well. These can be reports or videos or any other form of content. Therefore, instead of reducing the importance or share of content marketing in your digital marketing budget, it is the time that you increase it. When you are able to tap into content marketing on a consistent basis throughout the year, it would be easier for you to increase the number of visitors which you get to your website.

2. Influencer marketing:

With social media gaining more and more importance, influencer marketing is one of the most prominent ways to get visitors currently. Going forward as well, influencer marketing would gain even more prominence. Also, instead of searching for influencers only on Facebook, you have to look at influencers on other platforms like Instagram as well as Twitter. When you are able to utilize multiple influencers in order to gain visitors as well as credibility, it would become amazingly simple for you to gain newer and newer visitors online.

3. Video channels:

Readers are the most interactive medium to engage with your visitors. Therefore, your channel would gain even more and more popularity. Many of the companies are using associated content rather than sales content right away in order to keep the audience engaged. The same would assume more importance in the coming year.

Thus, if you’re looking into the trends which can help you in digital marketing in 2018, these are the 3 trends which you should definitely look into. Instead of just relying on them occasionally, you have to practice them each and every quarter in 2018 in order to get a greater number of visitors. Once you are able to establish, it would be easier for you to leverage them throughout the year. This would automatically help you in taking your websites to the next level.

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How to use LinkedIn for marketing your business? Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:53:23 +0000 Read More


LinkedIn is one of the most underutilized platforms when it comes to marketing your business. You need to understand that since it is catering to the business audience, you can be sure that you would be able to build your brand quite easily with the help of LinkedIn. Moreover, you would be able to directly get customers as well. We would today share with you some of the ways in which you can use LinkedIn for marketing your business.

1. Getting your profile right

The 1st thing which you have to keep in mind is that as the owner of the business, you have to 1st to build your profile properly. Only when your profile is completely professional, it would become easier for you to give credibility to your business. Also, you have to consistently update your profile with your views regarding the industry as well as with the latest developments as well. Once you are able to do that, it would become easier for you to build more credibility for your business. You have to work on getting more followers as well.

2. Company page

You have to build dedicated company page as well. Also, company been should correctly describe the services and products which you have on offer. Moreover, there should be proper contact information as well. Once you are able to build a company page, you would be able to market it and get new customers.

3. Start gaining followers

On the company page, you have to try and gain more and more followers. You have to 1st ask your employees to follow the page. Once you are able to get a few followers, the credibility of your company page would increase significantly. Thereafter, it would become easier for you to gain the followers.

In order to gain the followers, you can add a follow button to your website as well. Moreover, you have to actively include your link and company page in newsletters as well as blog posts as well. This would automatically help you in increasing the number of followers to the company page.

4. Publishing engaging content

In order to get the eyeballs, you have to publish engaging content on your LinkedIn company page. This would, in turn, bring in more and more visitors and gain new eyeballs which you have been looking for.

So, if you really want to market your business using LinkedIn, these 4 are the techniques which you have to use on a consistent basis. LinkedIn can be a great platform to gain new customers if used the right way.

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Benefits of Google AdWords (Google’s advertisement platform ) to Grow Your Business Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:12:43 +0000 Read More


Most of the Webmasters are just looking for free marketing methods. You need to understand that if you want to get visitors right from day one, one of the best methods which you can utilize is Google AdWords. Also, many people ignore this method because they do not do not have the right knowledge to run Google ad words campaign. The truth is that, with the help of right campaign, you would be able to directly gain visitors right from day one.

We would today highlight some of the benefits of running a Google ad words campaign in order to grow your business.

1. Traffic from day one:
You need to understand that as soon as your advertising campaign starts, you would be able to get traffic directly. This would automatically ensure that you are able to start your business right from day one. Also, if you are able to convert the visitors, you can be sure that you would be able to increase the revenue from day one itself.

2. Easy to target the audience:
You need to understand that if there is a certain demographic who you would like to target online, that is possible easily with the help of Google ad words. This ensures that you do not have to cater to untargeted traffic. You would be able to better focus your resources as well as marketing budget to target the visitors which are in your customer demographic. This would help you in easily expanding your business.

3. Geo-targeting:
Even if you’re just looking for local customers, you can use the geo-targeting feature and you can only market to those customers. This would ensure that you are able to get local customers and thereafter, you can easily follow up with those customers as well.

4. Generating leads:
You can easily get phone numbers as well as email information by advertising a particular landing page on Google ad words. This would ensure that in the longer term, you are able to follow up with the audience and convert them as well. As selling and cross-selling is also pretty easy when it comes to Google ad words.

5. Precise tracking:
In order to convert your campaign into a profitable one, you can use the tracking feature in order to find out which of the visitors are converting. This would ensure thatin real time you can change your traffic to only focus on the visitors which can convert. This would automatically help you in gaining a lot of business rather than a lot of visitors. You need to understand that as long as the conversion rate is high, the return on investment which you would be able to get would also be on the higher side.

So, instead of using any other marketing methods which you do not provide you with precise control over the results, you can use Google ad words to grow your business due to some of the advantages which we have mentioned above.

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Building your brand through influencer marketing Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:55:22 +0000 Read More


In order to create a brand identity, you have to use various techniques these days. Once your brand identity is created online, people would often associate with you in the off-line world as well. One of the best ways to create a brand identity quickly is to use the method of influencer marketing. Most of the people are not aware of this method. We would today not only describe this method but also help you understand how you can use it for your own brand.

1. Identifying the influencers

Influencers are people who have a large following in your industry or on social media. Therefore, they have credibility and their followers trust them. When you are able to market your brand to them, you can be sure that the credibility of your brand would be increased as well.

2. Marketing proposition

Very few of the influencers actually accept the money directly in lieu of marketing. Therefore, you have to ensure that you are offering them an exchange. When you are able to provide them with advertising exposure on your website, you would be able to easily get a mention from them. You need to understand that a single mention from influencers can actually get you a lot of new customers as well as visitors. Therefore, instead of thinking that you have to market your brand, again and again, single mention is good enough. You need to, however, understand that the mention should not be done subtly and should be done actively.

You can offer them an interview or a webinar in front of your audience and in turn, they would be linking to your website.

The link would not only be bringing you visitors but also it would be providing you with the link juice which would help you rank in the search engines as well. This would mean that you are able to get your benefit.

You have to repeat the same procedure for different influencers. Once you are able to do that, it would, in turn, become much easier for you to build your brand.

So, the next time around you’re looking to build your brand online, it is important to look into these few points and thereafter only you would be able to understand how you can build your brand online. You need to understand that as the number of influencers increase, it would be more easier for you to get a mention in your industry.

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